甄茂鼎,副教授,硕士生导师,2020年6月毕业于华中科技大学,2020年9月至今在合肥工业大学数学学院工作,2019/5-2019/12英属哥伦比亚大学(University of British Colunbia),数学系,访问学者,合作导师:魏军城教授(Juncheng Wei),在SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis ,Journal d'Analyse Mathématique,Journal of Differential Equations,The Journal of Geometry Analysis, Discrete and Continnuous Dynamical Systems,等杂志发表学术论文10余篇。
在SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis,Journal d'Analyse Mathématique,Journal of Differential Equations,The Journal of Geometry Analysis, Discrete and Continnuous Dynamical Systems,等杂志发表学术论文10余篇,主要相关成果如下:
(1)Menghui Li,Xiao Luo, Juncheng WeiandMaoding Zhen*,Free and harmonic trapped spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensate in R^3,SIAM Journal on Mathematical Analysis (2024),to appear.
(2)Duan Lipeng, Xiao Luo andMaoding Zhen*, New vector solutions for the cubic nonlinear Schrodinger system,Journal d'Analyse Mathématique (2024), to appear.
(3)Xiao Luo, Juncheng Wei, Xiaolong Yang andMaoding Zhen*,Normalized solutions for Schrödinger system with quadratic and cubic interactions,Journal of Differential Equations,314(2022)52-127.
(4)Maoding Zhen, Normalized Solutions for Schrödinger System with
Subcritical Sobolev Exponent and Combined Nonlinearities,The Journal of Geometric Analysis,(2022)32:86
(5)Maoding Zhen; Jinchun He; Haoyuan Xu*; Meihua Yang ; Positive ground state solutions for f ractional Laplacian system with one critical exponent and one subcritical exponent, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical System, 2019, 39(11): 6523-6539.