报告地点:腾讯会议:325 417 404
报 告 人:陆康 博士后研究员
Twisted Yangians were introduced in R-matrix presentation by Olshanski in 1990 in connections with classical Lie algebras and more generally by Guay-Regelskis associated with symmetric pairs of classical type. A Drinfeld type current presentation of (quasi-)split twisted Yangians has been recently obtained in two different approaches, and in this talk we will explain the Gauss decomposition approach. Then we shall outline ongoing work on generalizations and applications of the Drinfeld presentation. This is based on joint work of Weiqiang Wang, Weinan Zhang and collaborators.
陆康, 弗吉尼亚大学博士后, 研究方向表示论和可积系统. 成果发表在CMP,IMRN,LMP, JPAA等杂志上。